Interactive and easy to use
fipflapp helps companies and organizations to activate people
Find solutions where there were previously problems, promote understanding and develop a vibrant corporate culture. With flipflapp, you can make skills and talents in the organization visible to everyone and initiate new ideas. flipflapp is the video-based app with which you can show solutions and drive innovative processes forward.

Encourage dialog at all levels
flipflapp helps to bring the exchange of opinions, innovation processes and training courses to life. Create understanding for the (new) key strategic topics and activate implementation power.
Connect challenges with solutions
flipflapp promotes on-the-job training and life-long learning best from and with experts – i.e. colleagues. They know where things are going wrong, point out problems and can develop solutions together with the help of flipflapp.
Ensuring efficiency
The constant exchange via flipflapp ensures an agile adaptation of the mindset both among your employees and at management level. Topics are developed together, not from the top down.
Do not waste any time
flipflapp significantly reduces investments in training and workshop cascades without sacrificing “live exchange of perspectives & thoughts”, because it ensures sustainably consolidated knowledge and action through on-the-job training.